On my design wall – 2015.04.01

I’ve made a lot of progress on two of my projects.

The collaboration quilt with my sister Anne, most recently blogged about here, is layered and partially quilted.  I quilted a grid of lines 2 to 3 inches apart with a medium red thread.  Now I’m adding more lines with a copper-gold variegated thread, and a black thread.   I’m not sure how many more lines I’ll add; I’ve asked Anne what she thinks before I do more.  (That’s black batting and red backing, not borders.  We’re probably going to face it, with no border or binding.)

additional gold-copper and black vertical and horizontal


The low volume baby quilt, last blogged about here, is looking great – exactly how I envisioned it.  I’ve sewn all the rows together except for one seam to join the top 4 rows to the bottom 5 rows.  Before I do that, I’m going to fuse some ‘words of wisdom’ to the bottom section and zigzag stitch around each letter.  Then I’ll layer the quilt and do some straight-line quilting – I’m thinking a triangle shape starting near the center and spiraling out.

DSCN4771    DSCN4771-001  DSCN4768


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many creative and inspirational projects.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced     Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

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Organization ideas and Cherry Blossoms exhibition – 2015.03.28

I’ve been reading a wonderful series of articles by Dena Crain, called Time-Saving for Quilters.  I like a lot of her suggestions and plan to implement them as time permits.  In this article, she shows her two plastic drawer storage units under her cutting table, which hold materials and any work in progress. 

That idea really resonated with me – I’m usually planning and/or working on several projects at once, and I end up with several piles of fabrics and sketches on my working surfaces.  I bought these two units at Walmart and immediately filled them up with projects I’m working on.  The drawers slide right out, so I can pull out the one I’m working on, then put all the bits and pieces back in the drawer when I want to work on a different project.


I highly recommend Dena’s series of articles.  There are 8 parts to the series.  Here’s a link to the first part if you’d like to read them all in order.


You may recall my quilt ‘Flower Boxes’.  It was accepted into the annual juried exhibition “Cherry Blossoms: A Textile Translation”.  The show will open on March 31 at the Silk Purse Gallery in West Vancouver and will run until April 19.  http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/   I’m looking forward to seeing all of this year’s textile art at the opening reception on March 31.

DSCN4086  Cherry Blossoms 2015_Poster


Now I have to get back to some of those works in progress in the drawers under my table, so I’ll have something to show next week.


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many creative and inspirational projects.

   Creations by Nina-Marie   Confessions of a Fabric Addict


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Off my design wall – 2015.03.26

Thanks to everyone who commented on the possible background fabrics for my Royal terns – that was very helpful.  I found myself agreeing with those who preferred the fabric in the bottom right photo, so that’s what I used.

I fused the birds the background, then free-motion stitched some feathers on their wings.  Then I layered the quilt, and quilted the beach and the ocean.  I also quilted around each bird, and as a result they appear a bit dimensional compared to the background.


I’m calling it ‘Into the Wind’.  I’ll submit this little piece (9 x 9 inches) to the Quilting Arts Magazine reader challenge ‘Birds of a Feather’.  I’ll know on April 8th if it’s accepted as a finalist for the challenge.


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many creative and inspirational projects.

     Sew Fresh Quilts




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Trunk show and work in progress – 2015.03.20

On Wednesday morning I packed up about 40 of my quilts in my rolling cart, and headed to North Vancouver to do a presentation and trunk show for the Seymour Quilters’ Guild.

Quilts for trunk show2  https://seymourqg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/img_1181_edited-1.jpg

The members of the guild seemed to enjoy my presentation and had lots of questions about my techniques and compliments about my work.  And they have already posted a write-up about my trunk show with some great pictures (including the photo above).

Back in the quilt studio, I’ve been working on an entry for the latest Quilting Arts Magazine reader challenge ‘Birds of a Feather’.   The theme reminded me of some photos from our vacation in the British Virgin Islands a few years ago.  We were fascinated by the small terns hanging out on the beach.  They have distinctive black caps, and they tend to all stand facing in the same direction – into the wind (except when we tried to take a picture of them, when some of them would invariably turn toward the camera).

BVI terns  BVI terns 2

I drew a stylized version of a tern and made 3 of them, each a slightly different size and with some variation in fabrics, and positioned them all facing the same direction.  I’m just trying to decide on what fabric to use for the sea in the background.  Any opinions?  (Please excuse the creases in the fabrics.)


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many creative and inspirational projects.

   Creations by Nina-Marie   Confessions of a Fabric Addict

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Workshop and trunk shows – 2015.03.11

Last Friday evening, I did a trunk show/presentation at the monthly meeting of the Blue Mountain Quilters Guild.

On Saturday, I did a workshop for the guild on Freezer Paper Piecing.  I provided patterns – a choice of a fairly simple Maple leaf pattern or a more complex Japanese Maple leaf pattern.  Here are the 2 class samples that I made a while ago.

Class samples

All of the participants elected to make the simpler maple leaf block – and by the end of the day most of them had completed their blocks.  I made a photo collage of 9 of the blocks (I think there were actually 10 finished blocks, but I must have missed taking a photo of one of them).  I love seeing how each block looks so different, based on each person’s fabric selections.

2015-03-Mar - Blue Mtn-001

Everyone said they enjoyed the class, and they now have another technique in their ‘toolkit’.  Here’s some additional information about the tips and techniques I teach at this workshop.

If you live in the metro Vancouver area, you may be interested in knowing that I’ll be doing another trunk show/presentation on Wednesday, March 18th at the Seymour Quilters’ Guild meeting.


Meanwhile, the collaborative quilt I’m working on with my sister Anne is back on my design wall.  On the left you can see how it looked when I last worked on it.  On the right, you can see what it looks like now.  I moved a few pieces around in the middle section.  I hope to have more progress to show on this by the end of the week.

Fire quilt partially pieced  Collaboration


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many creative and inspirational projects.

   WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced     Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

Posted in Art quilts, On my design wall, WiP Wednesday, workshops | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

On my design wall – 2015.03.04

I have lots of projects on the go right now – some in the construction phase, and some in the design phase.

The VMQG block lotto this month is a hashtag block, done in black & white.  It’s a pretty easy block to make – I whipped up 4 in an afternoon.  If I win this block lottery, I will add a few blocks with bright colors.DSCN4701


I’ve made progress on the low-volume baby quilt.   Four rows of triangles are sewn together; 5 more rows to go.  Then I can get to the fun part – adding some words in various shades of green (chartreuse, of course!)DSCN4702


Other projects on the go:

  • the art quilt I’m collaborating on with my sister is still pinned to back side of my design wall – no progress on that
  • preparing for the trunk show and workshop I’ll be doing this Friday and Saturday for the Blue Mountain Quilters Guild – almost ready
  • I need to decide what to make for this year’s SAQA Online Auction – the quilt has to be 12 x 12 inches, but the subject matter can be anything I want (hmmm . . . more umbrella people, something scenic, abstract?  . . . decisions, decisions)
  • Quilting Arts has a new reader challenge ‘Birds of a Feather’ that has captured my interest.  That one will be a 9 x9 inch quilt.


Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced     Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

Posted in Modern quilts, On my design wall, WiP Wednesday | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

In my mailbox – 2015.02.27

Look what was in my mailbox yesterday!  Yes, those are my ‘Rainy Day Girls’, the latest in my Rainy Day People series.  Even though I had been notified my quilt would be on the cover, it was still a thrill to see the magazine in my mailbox.



And even more of a thrill when I skimmed through the rest of the magazine.  My contact information is on the table of contents page, and my quilt shows up again in the article about the CQA/ACC travelling quilt show It’s Time for Color!.

DSCN4689  DSCN4697


On pages 50 to 52 there’s an article about the Fibre Art Network‘s travelling exhibit Abstracted.  My sister Anne was my partner in this exhibit – she created an abstract interpretation based on my realistic quilt.  Ours are ‘Solitude 1’ and ‘Solitude 2’, right in the middle of the spread on pages 50 and 51.



And to top it off, in the Regional Reports on page 76, the Victoria Quilters’ Guild mentioned my visit last August to their guild to talk about modern quilting.


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many creative and inspirational projects.

   Creations by Nina-Marie   Confessions of a Fabric Addict

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WIP Wednesday – 2015.02.26

I have lots of projects on the go, but not a lot of progress to show.

It’s a good thing I have a 2-sided design wall – on one side is the beginning of a low-volume equilateral triangle baby quilt. http://bluemountainquiltersguild.ca/program


One the other side is the project I’m collaborating on with my sister – no progress on that.

Fire quilt partially pieced


I’m preparing for a trunk show and workshop I’ll be doing next week for the Blue Mountain Quilters Guild.  There are still spaces available in the workshop if you live nearby and are interested in attending, here’s the information.



Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

      Sew Fresh Quilts

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I went to QuiltCon! – 2015.02.18-23

I just got back late last night from QuiltCon in Austin Texas.

There were hundreds of amazing quilts.  You can see a small sample of them here, including the award winners.  And Luana Rubin’s Flickr page gives a good idea of what the quilts looked like hanging in the show.

It was a wonderful opportunity to see the quilts ‘up close and in person’, attend inspiring lectures, spend time with friends and fellow quilters, enjoy great food, buy fabric, etc.

I took lots of photos.  Here are just a few of my favorites, starting with me standing in front of my quilt.



This was my pick for Viewers Choice, GLITCH by Susan Strong (another Canadian!).

GLITCH!  Designed, made and quilted by Susan Strong.  Kona solids and quilted with Aurifil thread.


Here’s a rusty metal armadillo I spotted on our way to dinner one night.  I wonder what’s in the grass?



We had to stop at Gourdough’s Big Fat Donuts food truck, even though the temperature had dropped to almost freezing – I’m talking about eating donuts outside in 3 degree Fahrenheit weather!  They were worth it!



Yesterday, we had to wait a few hours in the Austin airport for our flight home.  We found a wonderful place to relax and enjoy some great wine and food – Vino Volo – very civilized!



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A finished project and an ongoing one – 2015.02.13

The second quilt in my new Tree Series is completed. I think I’ll call it Foggy Winter Day.

This is what it looked like three weeks ago, when I last posted about it.  I was debating whether to cover the background trees with white tulle, but I decided against that.  I think my choice of fabrics and values gives the impression of fog behind the main tree, without needing to use the tulle.  There is a circle of tulle over the sun, which I think works well.

TerryAske-foggy trees-more progress


Here’s the finished quilt.  It’s 16 x 36 inches.  The sun is fused and stitched.  The background trees have folded-under seam allowances, and are top-stitched to the background.  The main tree is lined with a layer of thin batting to give it more dimension.



I’m not sure if two quilts meets the definition of a series, but as I already have a plan for the third (and intend to make twelve by the end of the year) – here are the first 2 quilts of my Tree Series.



Anne did some more work on our collaborative quilt – she added more foil and sewed the pieces together into 3 main sections.  Then she packaged it up and sent it to me.  Here it is on my design wall.  I’m probably going to add a few more small pieces of our fabrics as accents, then I’ll layer it and start the quilting.  This will likely be the first of a series, as we already have plans for our next project.

Fire quilt partially pieced


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

   Creations by Nina-Marie   Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Posted in Art quilts, Friday finishes, On my design wall | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments