Work in progress – 2016.01.21

I haven’t posted since the beginning of January, but I have been busy with a variety of quilting-related projects.  Here’s one of them.

Earlier this month, I visited my sister Anne in Victoria BC, and we spent a couple of days working on our current collaborative project – ‘WATER: an Element’.

We actually started working on this in April 2015, but we were both busy with other projects, and didn’t get back to it until this month.

Here’s our starting point, a sketch I drew last year.  We’ve changed our minds about what fabrics we will use, but we’re still using our original design.  The center piece is either a river or a waterfall – we haven’t decided yet.  Anne had a long piece of hand-dyed chiffon that is perfect for that section.  On one side we are going to piece and applique fabrics that represent calm waters – ponds, lakes, etc.  On the other side will be fabrics representing active waters – oceans, waves, etc.  We made a full-size freezer-paper pattern and cut it into the 3 sections.  This will allow us to each work on sections alone, and know that they will fit together when finished.

DSCN4803  IMG_1591  IMG_1600


Anne is working on the center section.  She is going to manipulate the chiffon to make it dimensional and add tulle for foam, as well as other embellishments.   I have one of the side sections to start piecing and appliqueing.

(If you’d like to read about our first collaborative project – ‘FIRE: an Element’ you can find the most recent post about it here.)


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

Posted in Art quilts, On my design wall, WiP Wednesday | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Goal setting – 2016.01.03

I like to start each year by reviewing my goals for the previous year, as well as my accomplishments.  Then I think about what I want to accomplish in the coming year.

My goals for 2015 were to:

  1. explore new exhibit opportunities to enter and show my work.
  2. explore new workshop ideas.
  3. start a new series of tree quilts, each with different techniques.  My goal was to make one a month during 2015.
  4. explore a new working relationship, collaborating with my fiber artist sister Anne on one or more fiber art projects.

All of these goals are still relevant to me, so I’m going to carry them over to 2016.  Here’s what I did in 2015 to accomplish my goals, and what I plan to do in 2016.

New exhibit opportunities.  In 2015, I entered my work in several new-to-me juried shows, including:

  • Quilts=Art=Quilts – my entries were not accepted, but I plan to enter this one again
  • SPUN – my entry wasn’t accepted for this show either, but I will try again
  • Fly Me to the Moon – This an exciting project – a visual celebration of Man’s First Walk on the Moon.  The selected quilts will travel to various venues, and be included in a book.  I’ve made a quilt ‘Bad Moon Rising’ and submitted it.  (I haven’t posted any photos of it, as required by the curator.)  The jurors’ decisions should be announced in mid-January 2016
  • a matter of time – I’m working right now on an art quilt to submit to this travelling textile art exhibition.  It’s another one where I can’t share photos of my work in progress.
  • AQM – Artist as Quiltmaker – I submitted 2 of my quilts, plus the one that Anne and I made together.  I should know in mid-January if any of them are accepted
  • My Corner of the World – Canada – a SAQA exhibition.  I’m thrilled to say that my ‘Inside the Tipi’ was accepted for this exhibit.  The inspiration for this quilt is photo of a replica tipi in the Northern Life Museum and Cultural Centre In Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada.  I used machine piecing for the straight support poles, and fused raw-edge and folded-edge appliqué for the curved lines of the canvas cover.  The original photo (used with permission) was taken by my sister while visiting her daughter, who lives in Fort Smith.

Aske_Terry_Inside the Tipi_full


New workshop ideas.  In 2015, I developed 2 new workshops – ‘Circles Circles Circles’ and ‘Architectural Art Quilts from Photos’ and created a page on my blog with the descriptions of all the workshops I offer.  In 2016, I already have 1 workshop and 2 trunk shows scheduled.  The photos below are some of the blocks created by students in 2 of my workshops.

VMQG Circles workshop  FVQG Circles workshop


Start a new series of tree quilts.  I made 2 quilts in my tree series, but will be making more in the near future.  I made a 3rd tree quilt, which I donated to the annual SAQA action.  I think I have enough of this fabric left to make a similar one for the series.

TerryAske_ExuberantTrees  TerryAske_FoggyWinterDay  TerryAske_HappyPurpleTree


My tree series got stalled when I developed a fascination with circles – and made several circle quilts.

TerryAske_CircularThinking TerryAske_unnamed circle quilt TerryAske_Eclipse


New working relationships.  My sister Anne and I created our collaborative quilt ‘Fire’, entered it in a show, then ‘set it on fire‘ to improve it.  We’ve started working on the next in our Elements series, ‘Water’ – and I’ll be visiting Anne soon to continue our collaboration.

My friend Judy Villett and I submitted a proposal to The Gallery at Queen’s Park for a joint exhibition titled ‘The Heart of the Forest’.  Our proposal was accepted and our work will be on exhibit in July 2016!   Thus, my need to start work again on the tree series.


I hope your goals for 2016  – whatever they may be – bring you fun and satisfaction.  And I wish you all a happy and creative year!


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie    Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Posted in Art quilts | 6 Comments

Year in review – 2015.12.31

It’s that time of year again!  An opportunity to review accomplishments and activities during the past year, and set goals for the new year.

During 2015, I created 18 quilts.   As you can see there were a few trees, and few portraits and quite a few circle quilts.

2015 Terry Aske


I submitted 30 quilts to 14 juried shows.  Many were rejected, some I haven’t heard about yet, and 10 were accepted.  Of those, 2 of my modern quilts won awards!

TerryAske_ExplodingWedges  TerryAske_ShadesofGray


I submitted 3 art quilts to Quilting Arts magazine for their Reader Challenges, and all 3 were accepted.

TerryAske_IntotheWind  TerryAske-FierySumac  Terry Aske_Minimalist Me_highres


I also had work published in a book by Sandra Sider – 1000 Quilt Inspirations (7 of my quilts were included, including one of my ‘Rainy Day People’ quilts the cover!).  ‘Rainy Day Girls was featured on the cover of the Spring issue of The Canadian Quilter magazine, and I wrote an article about how I make portrait quilts for the Winter issue.

DSCN4781 DSCN4693  CdnQuilterWinter_cover


I did 3 trunk show presentations for local guilds, and taught 4 workshops.  I also created a page on my blog with the descriptions of all the workshops I offer.

I also did some quilt-related travel this year.  In February, I flew to Austin TX for QuiltCon.  In June, I attended Quilt Canada in Lethbridge AB.  In October, I spent a wonderful 5 days at the Fibre Art Network annual retreat in Abbotsford BC.


All in all, it was a busy and fulfilling year.  I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing what I’ve been up to in the past 12 months.  I’ll be back in a couple of days with information about my plans for 2016.

Posted in Art quilts, Modern quilts, Portrait quilts, Publications, Quilt shows | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

New portrait quilt – 2015.12.24

Two years ago, I made a portrait quilt on commission, based on a photo of my client’s beautiful blue-eyed daughter.  Earlier this year, she contacted me again about making a portrait quilt of her mother.  She provided me with a photo of her mother as a young woman.

As usual, I started by ‘posterizing’ the original photo to get the value differences.  (Here’s a tutorial about the process I use.)   The face in this quilt is only 6 inches high, so I had to minimize the amount of detail, but I believe I captured the essence of her appearance.  You can see the progression below from original photo, to posterized version, to the final portrait.

Mom_original_photoMom_posterizedA Mom is Love-001

The original plan was for the portrait to be in sepia tones or gray-scale, but I just couldn’t get a realistic look using such a limited palette.   After a couple of failed attempts with gray fabrics, we agreed to go with realistic colors, and I’m glad we did.

This is the first portrait I’ve done with hands, so it took a bit of experimentation to get the look I wanted.



I finished it with a turned-back facing.  As usual, I referred to my facing technique tutorial.  I realized while following my own instructions that I could simplify the process.  I didn’t take photos this time, so I’ll have to do that next time, and then update the tutorial.

The quilt has been added to my gallery of portrait quilts.  It’s interesting to see the variety of techniques I’ve used for portrait quilts over the years.

A Mom is Love


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

     Sew Fresh Quilts


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Improv curved piecing – 2015.12.22

I’m playing with improv Orange Peel blocks for the VMQG Round Robin challenge.  This is our last round, and the theme is Curved piecing.   I’ve always admired Orange Peel quilts, the wonkier the better.  Obviously, I haven’t settled on a size yet – I’m experimenting with various sizes.  Maybe I’ll use them all – that’s the freedom of improv piecing!

Improv orange peel


I found lots of inspiration on the Internet, especially these three quilts.

Jessica at Quilty Habit made this quilt in 2014

‘Scatter’ by Jessica at


And, this work in progress by Marty Mason of Marty’s Fiber Musings

modern improvisational orange peel quilt - Marty Mason

modern improvisational orange peel quilt – Marty Mason


And this improv double wedding ring quilt by Natalie at GreenLeaf Goods

improv double wedding ring

improv double wedding ring by Natalie at GreenLeaf Goods


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts


Posted in Inspiration, Modern quilts, WiP Wednesday | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

And then we set it on fire! – 2015.12.05

This is a long post with photos at the end, so feel free skip to the bottom.  But I think when you see the photos, you may want to come back and read the explanation.

At the beginning of this year, my sister Anne and I started working on a collaborative project.  Our starting point was to focus on a limited color palette – various shades of red with accents of chartreuse, and experiment with a variety of surface design techniques –  dyeing, painting, stamping, printing, discharging, foiling, piecing.

We worked on it – both together and separately – for a couple of months.  During that time, in our minds, the theme of our quilt evolved from a study in red to a study of Fire.  We also decided we would do a series, and the theme would be The Elements, beginning with Fire.

‘Fire: an Element’ was completed in June. We entered it in the La Conner Quilt & Fiber Arts Festival in the ‘Fiber Art – Created Textiles’ category, and were thrilled when it was juried in.

Fast forward to the comments we received from the judges at the La Conner Festival:

Best features: Block design, with straight and curving lines, is engaging . . . Adding textured effects and stitching draws us in to investigate closer

Recommended improvements:  Feel of fire could be strengthened by avoiding colors like pink and delicate green

Now, I have to say that sometimes I agree with judges’ comments, and sometimes I don’t, and I generally take them with a grain of salt.  But in this case, the comments hit home. Looking at our piece with a critical eye and from a fresh point of view, we both immediately realized that there was indeed much too pink to evoke the feeling of fire – we had been too close to our project to see it objectively!  In fact, Anne commented that we could have titled it ‘Spring’ rather than ‘Fire’!

So, we decided to set it on fire!  First, we added some fiery colors to the lightest and pinkest parts with Shiva PaintStiks.  Then Anne had the brilliant idea to add some burned and melted fabric. Why did we not think of that before??!!    We also scattered metal and glass beads on top of the burned fabric, and various other places.

Aske-deVerteuil_Fire-anElement-revised_detail   Aske-deVerteuil_Fire-anElement-revised_detail2

We think our new and improved Fire quilt is now worthy of its name and even better than it was before.  We’re going to enter it in another show soon.

Here are the before and after photos – what do you think of it?  Have you ever taken a finished quilt and amended or enhanced it?

Fire - before and after


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie      Confessions of a Fabric Addict


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Self-portraits – 2015.12.02

Members of the Canadian Quilters’ Association should have received their Winter issue of The Canadian Quilter magazine.  I knew that my article about how I create portrait quilts – and why I like to experiment with self-portraits – would be included in the magazine, but I was thrilled to see my self-portrait on the cover!

CdnQuilterWinter_cover  CdnQuilterWinter_article

You can learn more about my process here, and see many of my portrait quilts here.

While I was writing the article,  I came across an extremely minimalist image I had created in 2011 when I was first experimenting with the posterize effect.  It’s from the same photo I used for my self-portraits in the magazine article.  Then I saw the Quilting Arts magazine announcement of a reader challenge to make a 10 x 10 inch portrait art quilt, and decided it was time to turn that image into a self-portrait.

Here’s how I made it.  I traced the eyes and nostril onto stabilizer and added the suggestion of a nose.   I cut the eyes and nostril from purple fabric, and fused them to a yellow background, using the stabilizer drawing to position them.

Photo-posterized2levels   positioning fused pieces


I pinned the stabilizer to the back of the fabric, and stitched the eyes and nose from the back.  Then I added batting and backing and stitched again through all the layers.  I titled it ‘Minimalist Me’.  It was accepted as a finalist, so I hope to see it in the February/March 2016 issue of Quilting Arts magazine.

stitching from back  Terry Aske_Minimalist Me_detail

Terry Aske_Minimalist Me_highres


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced     Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts



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Circles circles everywhere – 2015.11.20

Last Saturday I taught my Circles Circles Circles workshop for the Fraser Valley Quilters Guild.  It’s a technique workshop, where I teach participants how to design their own circle blocks, and to sew curves and circles with flat seams.  Here are some of the blocks made by the enthusiastic and creative participants in the workshop.

FVQG Circles workshop

I didn’t have time to take many photos during the workshop, but fortunately one of the participants took lots of them.  Sandi has already written a detailed blog post about the workshop and she sent me some of her photos.   And she’s already turned one of her sample blocks into a finished mini quilt!   Below is a photo of several of my circle quilts on the design wall at the workshop, taken by Sandi.



Speaking of circles, I’ve decided which quilts to enter into the QuiltCon 2016 juried quilt show – and they are all circle quilts.  I seems like that’s what I been producing this year.  And they were all made using the techniques I taught in the workshop.

I’ll be submitting Bling on the Bias, my Michael Miller Glitz challenge quilt – blog post here.

TerryAske_Bling on the Bias

Also Eclipse, which was my entry to the VMQG Modern Mini Showcase – blog post here.


And Off-Center, which was included in the Black to White (BTW) exhibit at Quilt!Knit!Stitch! in Portland OR – blogged here.



Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

   Creations by Nina-Marie   Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Posted in Modern quilts, workshops | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Off my design wall – 2015.11.09

My MQG Michael Miller challenge quilt is finished – except for the hand-sewing.  (I’m accumulating quite a pile of quilts that need facings sewn down and/or sleeves sewn on.)

Last week, I had the circle and the background pieced, and pinned to my design wall.  I top-stitched the circle to the background, using the freezer paper templates to position them.

I decided to go with straight-line quilting, random lines on the diagonal, somewhat following the seams in the circle.  I liked the subtle plaid effect on the background, and so in two of the corners I added a couple of lines of quilting in the opposite direction.  I also quilted just outside the circle.  I used a gold viscose thread which doesn’t show up very well in photos.  But I took a snap of the back before I faced it, which shows the quilting really well.

TerryAske_BlingontheBias_quilting from back


The edges are faced, and the finished size is 20 x 25 inches.  I’m calling it ‘Bling on the Bias’.

Here’s what it looks like from the front.   Black and white are notoriously difficult fabrics to photograph, and the silver and gold just add to the difficulty in getting a good photo.  After several very washed-out photos with my regular camera, I tried my iPhone and got a much better image.  I may try again later in different light.

TerryAske_Bling on the Bias


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

   Creations by Nina-Marie

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Rainy Day People in Surrey BC – 2015.11.04

One of my Rainy Day People quilts has been travelling since 2013 with the Fibre Art Network exhibit Fibrescapes.  The final venue for this show is the Newton Cultural Centre Gallery in Surrey BC.  The exhibit includes work by approximately 30 fibre artists, and is on display during the month of November.  I’ll be attending the Artist Reception on Saturday, November 7.

Here’s a link to the poster – I’m thrilled my quilt has such a prominent position!

You can read more about my Rainy Day People series here.  All the quilts in the series have been sold (the one in the Fibrescapes exhibit has been purchased and will be sent to the buyer after the show closes).  I think I’ll be making more of these.



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