New art quilt – 2016.08.26

This week, I started and finished a small art quilt.  I’ll have to post about my techniques and process next week, because I’m about to leave for North Vancouver to help set up for the first-ever VMQG Modern Quilt Showcase.   There will be over 100 modern quilts on display, and it will be fabulous!  If you live nearby, come and visit us on Saturday or Sunday.  Click here for details.

For now, here’s a peak at my new art quilt – made from a photo I took during our Croatia trip in 2013.  I’ll be back next week with more information about it.


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie    Confessions of a Fabric Addict

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New West Cultural Crawl this weekend

I’m really excited about the New West Cultural Crawl this weekend – August 13 & 14, 2016.

I’m thrilled to have 17 of my art quilts on display at the Constituency Office of Judy Darcy, MLA, New Westminster, along with work by several other artists including Judy herself – Judy is a very talented photographer.

I will be at Judy’s community constituency office on Saturday, August 13 from noon to 2pm, and on Sunday, August 14 from 3pm to 5 pm.  I will be happy to answer questions about my quilts, my process and my inspiration.   Judy’s office is in the Uptown neighborhood of New West, at 737 Sixth Street.  If you’re in the area, I hope you will stop by.

Here’s a photo of Judy with my New Westminster themed art quilts hanging in her community office, and a photo of Judy with one of her gorgeous photos (and look! you can see my portrait quilt in the background).  [both photos courtesy of Judy’s Facebook posts]

JudyDarcy and TerryAske's Swoop.PNG    Judy Darcy and her amazing photography.PNG



Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts


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My quilts on display – 2016.08.06

In the month of August, some of my quilts will be on display at two different locations.


The first is the New West Cultural Crawl.poster

I’m thrilled to have my art quilts on display at the Constituency Office of Judy Darcy, MLA, New Westminster, along with work by other artists including Frank Bennet, Janet Kvammen, Kelly Lambert and Judy Darcy – Judy is a very talented photographer.

I met Judy at the opening day of my duo exhibition last month at The Gallery At Queens Park.  Judy and I share a love of bright colors, and she asked if I would like to display some of my quilts at her office during the Cultural Crawl.   Of course, I immediately said yes!

Starting next week, about 15 of my quilts will be on display at Judy’s office, including these two that feature New Westminster.  I will be at Judy’s office on August 13 and 14 to talk about my quilts.

Quilts of NW


Judy has been spreading the word about the artists who will be on display at her office, on Facebook and even in the BC Legislature.  Judy’s office is in the Uptown neighborhood of New West, at 737 Sixth Street.


The second location is the VMQG Modern Quilt Showcase.  More than 100 modern quilts made by the members of the VMQG will be on display at the Pipe Shop Building near Lonsdale Quay on August 27 and 28.


VMQGshowcase_cafe poster


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie    Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Posted in Art quilts, Modern quilts, Quilt shows | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Work in progress – 2016.07.20

Back in January, I posted about the current collaborative project I’m working on with my sister Anne – ‘WATER: an Element’.   Since then, I have thought about it a few times, but there always seemed to be other projects taking priority.   However, next week I’ll be visiting Anne in Victoria BC, so I decided I had better get working on this.

When Anne and I last worked on this in January, we confirmed our original design and made some decisions about fabrics – left photo below.

We cut our full-size freezer-paper pattern into 3 sections.  I took the right section of the pattern, and the fabrics we selected for it, to start piecing and appliqueing.

Today when I started working on it, I realized some of the fabric pieces were not wide enough to place them as we had intended, so I had to improvise.  I added a couple of fabrics, but I’m not sure I like them.   I started cutting the fabrics at the bottom with the cresting wave shape, then switched to choppy waves, and then to more subdued waves and gentle curves at the top.  We will probably add more wave shapes with applique, paint and/or stitching to make a more cohesive design.

I haven’t sewn or fused any of the sections together.   The fabrics are ironed to the freezer-paper pattern, and pinned near the edges.  I’ve rolled the whole thing up, so hopefully it won’t fall apart on the trip to Anne’s.

IMG_1600    Water-right side-cut but not finalized   Water-right side-back with FP


Here are a couple of my favorite sections – both are Anne’s photos that she printed on fabric.  The surfer is a photo of her daughter, screen-printed on silk.  The fabric under the cresting wave was printed using a blueprint process.

surfer  cresting wave



Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

Posted in Art quilts, On my design wall, WiP Wednesday | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Heart of the Forest continues – 2016.07.14

Our ‘Heart of the Forest’ exhibition is going very well!  Judy Villett and I have a duo exhibition at The Gallery At Queen’s Park in New Westminster BC.  It’s on until July 24th.  One or both of us will be in attendance every Saturday and Sunday from 1 – 5pm.

Last weekend, my sister Joan visited the gallery.   A few years ago, I made her this quilt ‘Through the Trees’, and she generously offered to loan it to me for display in the gallery.

ACNW - Heart of the Forest - Poster - July 2016  Joan & Terry with Through the Trees

This Sunday, July 17th Judy and I will be doing Artist Talks from 1 – 3pm.  We’ll talk about the textile works on display – our inspiration, design processes and techniques used.  We’d love to see you there.


In other news – all of the quilts juried into the Canadian Quilters’ Association (CQA) National Juried Show (NJS) have been posted on the CQA website – here.  If you weren’t able to attend the NJS at Quilt Canada in Toronto, you can see all of the quilts online.  The photos are very well done.   (Even if you were there, it’s still worth looking at them all again!)

Here’s a peak at what you will see on the CQA website.

CQA 2016 NJS Abstract category


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

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Teddy Bear Picnic recap – 2016.07.09

On Wednesday evening, Judy and I hosted the Opening Reception for our textile art exhibition at the Gallery At Queen’s Park.  In keeping with the theme of our show ‘In the Heart of the Forest’, we had a Teddy Bear Picnic at our opening reception.  It was a great success.

At 6:00pm, the lemonade was chilled, the cookies were served and the music was playing (guess what song we played over and over again!)   The teddy bears were gathered around the picnic table, eagerly waiting for guests to arrive.

Bears ready for picnic 2 Bears ready for picnic-001


From 6:00 to 8:00pm, we had a great turnout, and several people brought their favorite teddy bears or other stuffed animals to the picnic.  One of our guests was Art the SockMonkey from 100 Braid St. Studios.

Bears and guests 2  Bears and guests 3Bears & guests 


Our textile exhibition ‘The Heart of the Forest’ continues though to July 24th, and Judy and I will be there every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00pm.   If you have a chance, we hope you will drop by and visit.


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie    Confessions of a Fabric Addict

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Heart of the Forest exhibit – 2016.07.03

Our exhibition is open!  Judy Villett and I have a duo exhibition at The Gallery At Queen’s Park in New Westminster BC.  It’s on until July 24th.  One or both of us will be in attendance every Saturday and Sunday from 1 – 5pm.  We’d love to see you there.

ACNW - Heart of the Forest - Poster - July 2016  The Heart of the Forest exhibit, Judy Villett and Terry AskeTerry Aske and Judy Villett and their art


The Opening Reception for our exhibition will be Wednesday, July 8th from 6 – 8pm.  In keeping with the theme of forest and trees, we are having a Teddy Bear Picnic at our opening reception.  Everyone is welcome.

invite_TeddyBearPicnic_2016 - JPG


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie    Confessions of a Fabric Addict


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Quilt Canada 2016 in review – 2016.06.22

Last week, I attended Quilt Canada in Toronto ON with my friend Janet.

We arrived Tuesday evening at the ALT Hotel near the airport, and were greeted by wonderful signage and logos that reminded us of colorful modern quilts.  We thoroughly enjoyed the hotel.

ALT Hotel signALT Hotel lobbyALT Hotel key card holder


On Tuesday evening, we attended the National Juried Show (NJS) Awards Ceremony.  I had been notified that one of my entries had been chosen for an award, so I was very excited.  I was thrilled when it was announced that Circular Thinking had been awarded 1st place in the Art – Abstract category.   Then, I was thrilled and amazed when I was called up again to receive the 3rd place award in the Art – Naturescapes, Pictorial category for Swoop.   We couldn’t see the actual quilts until the next day when the show opened, so the photos below were taken later.

TerryAske_Circular Thinking_2016 CQA NJS  TerryAske_Swoop_2016 CQA NJS


We spent the next 4 days attending lectures and events, shopping in the merchant mall, meeting friends and, of course, viewing hundreds of gorgeous quilts!  This is the first year photos of the quilts were permitted, so I took lots!  Here are some more of my favorites.

Terry Aske_Anne deVerteuil_FIRE_2016 CQA NJS

Terry Aske_Anne deVerteuil_FIRE_2016 CQA NJS

Janet Archibald_A Vancouver Winter

Janet Archibald_A Vancouver Winter

Beth Van Wyngaarden_ Birch Trees, Fall

Beth Van Wyngaarden_ Birch Trees, Fall

Marianne Haak_Shards of Glass

Marianne Haak_Shards of Glass

Margaret Cale_Waves

Margaret Cale_Waves

Ann Marie Patrick_ Toadstools

Ann Marie Patrick_ Toadstools

Anita Payne_From the World to Canada

Anita Payne_From the World to Canada

Judy Weiss_Height of the Storm

Judy Weiss_Height of the Storm

Joanne Love_Curiousity

Joanne Love_Curiosity

Alison Dean Cowitz_Leo

Alison Dean Cowitz_Leo


There were also several special exhibits, including Canadiana by members of the Fibre Art Network members, and Cascade of Colours, by the Beaconsfield Quilters Guild.

FAN Canadiana exhibit 1

FAN Canadiana exhibit 1

FAN Canadiana exhibit 2

FAN Canadiana exhibit 2

Cascade of Colours_Beaconsfield Quilts

Cascade of Colours_Beaconsfield Quilters Guild


You can see all of the award winning quilts on the CQA site here.   And within a few days, there should be a link added to see all of the quilts in the show.

You can see lots more of the quilts on Instagram – hashtag #quiltcanada and #quiltcanada2016.


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts

Posted in Art quilts, Quilt shows | Tagged , , , , | 12 Comments

New facing technique – even easier corners – 2016.06.12

‘Wildfire’ is almost finished.  The facings are sewn, and just need to be hand-stitched to the back.

I experimented with a new technique and I’m very pleased with how it turned out.  Instead of cutting the batting larger than the quilt top, I cut the batting to exactly the size I wanted the finished size to be.  I made the quilt top and back about 1″ bigger on each side than the finished size.  I machine basted the batting to the backing just inside the edge of the batting, as seen below (excuse the over-exposed photo).

basting batting to back

Then I basted the quilt top to the back as close as I could to the edge of the batting, but without actually sewing through the batting.  I couldn’t see where the edge of the batting was, but I could feel it through the top.

Once the quilting was finished, I trimmed the top and back to about 1/2″ from the machine basting, then attached the facings as usual.  When I pressed the facings to the back, the fold was right at the edge of the batting, which made for a nice straight edge.  And because there was no batting in the seam allowance, there was no excess bulk and it was much easier to turn.  The facings cover the basting holding the batting in place.  And the basting on the top can be easily removed.

And the corners are very square, without having to trim batting away!  I’m planning to update my tutorial on facings, and I will include this technique as an option.

bottom-front bottom-back


Here’s a photo of the almost finished quilt.  It doesn’t look ‘square’ in the photo – but only because I can’t seem to take a good photo today.

TerryAske-Wildfire-with facings


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

Creations by Nina-Marie    Confessions of a Fabric Addict


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Quilt Canada – less than 1 week – 2016.06.09

This popped up in my Instagram feed yesterday.   I’m very excited – next Tuesday, I’ll be flying to Toronto with my friend Janet to attend Quilt Canada in Toronto ON.

7 days to Quilt Canada

We’ll attend the awards ceremony on Tuesday evening.  We both have quilts entered in the show, so wish us luck!  I’ll be presenting the Innovation in Excellence award on behalf of the Fibre Art Network.

Then we’ll spend the next 3 days attending lectures and events, shopping in the merchant mall, meeting friends and, of course, viewing hundreds of gorgeous quilts!  This is the first year photos of the quilts will be permitted, so expect to see lots of quilts on Instagram – hashtag #quiltcanada


I haven’t had a lot of time for quilting recently, but I did find time to add a couple of pages to my website.  One shows exhibitions where my work is currently appearing, or will be on display in the near future.  The other lists awards I have won, and will eventually include a list of publications and past exhibitions I’ve been in.


One upcoming exhibit I’m especially excited about is a duo show with Judy Villett,  a friend, neighbor and fellow textile artist.  When she noticed that we both had a lot of tree images in our work, she suggested a joint show.  We submitted a proposal, and our show will open on July 1st!

ACNW - Heart of the Forest - Poster - July 2016


Thanks for stopping by.  Today, I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative projects to inspire you.

   Esther’s Blog   Sew Fresh Quilts


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