Quilt Canada 2024 Recap – 2024.06.30

Earlier this month, I spent 4 fun-filled days in Edmonton attending Quilt Canada 2024 at the Edmonton Convention Centre.  Quilt Canada is an annual conference which includes hundreds of quilts (the National Juried Show and numerous additional Concurrent Quilt Shows), a large Merchant Mall, lectures, quilt show tours and workshops. It is attended by thousands of people.

On Wednesday morning, I helped to set up Resist, an exhibit of the Fibre Art Network. This is only a small part of the exhibit. There are 46 artworks in this exhibit, all of which can be seen here. It was a very popular exhibit with the people attending the conference.

On Wednesday evening, I attended the Awards Ceremony, and was happy to cheer as many of my friends won awards. All of the National Juried Show award winning quilts can be seen here. I was thrilled to receive the 3rd place award in the Modern category for my piece Ticking All the Boxes. (Read about the making of this art quilt in my next post.)

I had another entry in the show – here it is next to my friend Judy’s piece.

‘Twisting Tulips’ by Judy Cruickshank and ‘DUET’ by Terry Aske

On the remaining days, I visited the quilts on display (several times) and spent a lot of time at the Resist exhibit. Here is a partial view of the NJS exhibit, courtesy of the Canadian Quilters Association.

I also enjoyed several walks with friends along the Edmonton River Valley walkways enjoying the beautiful city and scenery.

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Thanks for stopping by.

I’m linking up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.

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One Response to Quilt Canada 2024 Recap – 2024.06.30

  1. Luana says:

    That was a beautiful show, and a beautiful location!
    It was treat to see you there Terry!

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