In my January 16th post, I said that I will post about my decluttering activities at least once a month. I hope that by the end of the year, I will have accomplished a lot.
I have done a lot of decluttering in the past month, but mostly in other parts of my home other than my studio. I’m happy to say that in my studio, I have maintained the decluttering I did in January. I’m much better at putting things away after each project.
Lesson to be learned – I just spent an hour searching through the cupboards and drawers in my studio looking for a small quilt I finished in January. Eventually I found it in a stack of shipping envelopes. I’m pretty sure that happened when I was decluttering! So the lesson is to be careful when moving things around during a decluttering session.
That reminded me of a big project I did last year and did not post about. If I recall, it all started because I was looking for a quilt and couldn’t find it. I had been thinking about this project for some time, but had been putting it off because I know it would take a long time. I started in March 2021 and I think it took a couple of months to complete.
The project was to organize where all my quilts were stored – and make a record! – so I could find them easily in the future.
I pulled all my quilts out of their various storage places, and sorted them by size. There were about 90 of them. It took me a few days to do this, but I’m really happy with the result. I sorted them into 3 categories – small, medium and large.
Small-sized – 15″ x 15″ or smaller – these are in a green cloth bag. There are 33 of these, and room for more in the bag.
small quilts – 33 piled on green bag small quilts in the green bag – room for lots more
Medium-sized – 16″ to 20″ wide – I stored these in a 22″ x 50″ cloth garment bag and stored these under the bed. (The garment bag is lying on a large piece of cardboard, so I can easily slide it on the carpet. There are 27 quilts in the bag. It’s pretty full, so if I add more, I will have to start another bag.
medium quilts piled on top of bed medium quilts in garment bag under bed
Large-sized – wider than 20″ – I rolled these on pool noodles, about 5-8 quilts per roll, tied with cloth strips (selvedges). There are 5 pool noodles with a total of 30 quilts. These are stored on a closet shelf. I numbered each roll.
large quilts rolled on pool noodles large quilt rolls stored in closet
It was a big job to separate the quilts and store them. What took even more time was recording which group each quilt was stored in. Fortunately I already had an inventory spreadsheet listing all my quilts. (I’m a bit of a spreadsheet geek).

It has the following columns, and I use the Filter feature to sort the list in various ways.
- date made (
- name or description of the quilt
- binder (I file paperwork, sketches, notes in page protectors and file those in binders)
- size (width, height and square inches)
- stored (this new column tells me where to look for the quilt)
- location (if a quilt is at a show, has been donated or sold)
A few months later, I consider this a very successful project. When I need to locate a quilt, I find it on my spreadsheet, which tells me exactly where to find the physical quilt.
I hope this gives you some ideas of how to organize and inventory your quilts. If you have any suggestions for organizing finished quilts, please leave a comment below
I’m linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.
- Quilt Fabrication Midweek Makers
- Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Wow Terry the spreadsheet for all your quilts is a great idea. I am always hunting thru all my quilt just to find one.(always the last one found)
WOW!!! What a huge task, and you have them so well organized and inventoried. I’m doing a major purge in my studio this year (LOL – thought I could do it all in February.), and I’ve made a lot of progress so far. Another LOL – I couldn’t find my neutral threads, and I looked and looked. I finally thought perhaps I put them in my thread stash container – lo & behold they’re they were. I don’t have anywhere near the number of quilts you have, but I’m adding to my “to do list to make an inventory list and get them rolled onto pool noodles. Creatives are never bored and never run out of tasks.
Thanks for sharing these great organizational tips. Right now, I have stuffed my quilts here and there. I don’t have a lot of huge quilts so that helps. I have a spreadsheet, but I guess I should be adding a couple of columns.