Early in January I signed up for the Declutter Challenge organized by Karen at Just Get It Done Quilts (@justgetitdonequilts on Instagram).

I’m not necessarily following Karen’s daily topics, and I certainly don’t have time to work on this every day. But it will give me some focus to keep working on my decluttering. I also hope to pick up organization tips from other participants.
I decided to focus first on my main problem – letting clutter accumulate on all my surfaces, and not putting things away. Here are my “before” photos of my work areas.
Yesterday I tackled the sewing machine area. I followed Karen’s suggestion to set my timer for 15 minutes, and started putting the clutter away. I really focused on putting things away where they belonged, rather than just moving them to another cluttered area. After 20 minutes my sewing machine area was clear.
Check back in a few days as I tackle my other cluttered surfaces.
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Well, that looks like a big improvement so far! I find that many of the things I’m keeping out really need to be thrown away. And if I do put something in storage, I date it; if I come across anything with a date more than a year ago I throw or give it away. The pressure is helpful–use it or lose it!
I find I need to clean up after every major project. Mostly in my studio but it applies to my sewing room too.
I consider cleaning up as meditation time. It feels so good when I am done.
I also signed up for her challenge. Great motivator, but I am in the middle of a big year end project, so finding even 15 minutes every day hasn’t worked. I did get my desk area and a couple of shelves done. I keep my sewing machine area tidy daily, so that’s not a problem. I hope to get back to this on a daily basis next week. Good Luck with your challenge.
You did a great job with the challenge. Your space looks great! I have been talking about cleaning forever, but this year, I am going on a problem solving mission. Most of it will have to do with developing good habits, but some of it will be finding ways that will make it easy for me to keep things put away.
I’m a bit attention-deficit and have this notion that if I put things away, I will not be able to find them! Persistence and labels on drawers, etc. is helping. So is your post and the pictures. Thanks!