For a couple of weeks, I’ve been mulling over several ideas for the next exhibition by the Fibre Art Network titled “ON THE BIAS”.
All the pieces in this exhibit will be either 16″ x 16″ or 16″ x 32″. Artists are invited to submit a piece representing their interpretation of the theme, as described in the exhibition overview: “Bias can be negative or positive, conscious or subconscious, scientific or philosophical. It can also be a play on words, which, for textile artists, has a special meaning. When fabric is cut “on the bias” diagonally across the grain, it is more fluid and has greater flexibility and drapability. Bias-cut edges don’t fray! “
I considered a number of different designs incorporating the concepts of positive/negative relationships, diagonal lines and secondary patterns. After making several sketches and false starts, I turned to the concepts of fluidity and drapability. And predictably, my thoughts then turned to bias tape!
Here’s my pattern. I used a thick felt pen to draw curvy flowing lines on freezer paper. (I started with a pencil but I drew the lines too close together. A thick felt pen helped me draw to a larger scale.) I’m showing it below in 4 different orientations. I’m not sure yet which way will be up.

Below you can see some of the fabrics I’m considering. I’ll cut the freezer paper along the lines, then iron each freezer paper section to the fabric as a cutting guide. Each line between fabrics will be covered with bias tape.

At this point, I don’t really know what the finished piece will look like. I’m going to design it on my design wall, making decisions as I go. I’ll select one fabric for the middle, then decide which fabrics work best next to the first one, and which bias tape will be positioned between them. I expect I’ll change my mind a few times as I go. But I can’t dither too much, because I have to have it finished before November 1st.
Check back in a few days, and see how it’s going.
I will be linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.
- Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
- Can I get a Whoop Whoop? by Confessions of a Fabric Addict
- Love Laugh Quilt Monday Making
- Quilt Fabrication Midweek Makers
Great idea Terry! Look forward to seeing the finished piece. I’m working on mine too but totally different theme. That’s what makes belonging to this group so interesting!