Pet portrait workshop for FVQG

Last week, I did two trunk show presentations for the Fraser Valley Quilters’ Guild.  They were a warm, welcoming group.  I love showing my work to other quilters!

Then on Saturday, I did a Pet Portrait Workshop for them.  Several of the participants were using their own pet photo, and had followed my tutorial to create their own pattern.  Others opted to use a pattern I provided based on my Border Collie pet portrait.

Here are some of their pet portraits – still under construction, but looking very cute!

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6 Responses to Pet portrait workshop for FVQG

  1. Kathy kinsella says:

    Awesome portraits in progress … I have to do one of these some day!

  2. Gayle Pulley says:

    Looks like a fun workshop, your students should be pleased with their work!

  3. I’d love to be in your workshop one day. What fun!

  4. Sounds and looks like a great time for everybody

  5. linda says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your pet portraits workshop

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