Quilting Daily

If you receive the daily email newsletter from Quilting Daily, you may have noticed my reader’s challenge quilt in the Friday email.

This was my entry to Quilting Arts Magazine “What’s your Signature Color?” Reader Challenge.  It should be published in the October/November 2012 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.

Here’s what I said about my entry:

My absolute favorite color is chartreuse; you’ll find at least a bit of it in almost every one of my quilts.  It’s a bold and complex color that adds punch to almost any color palette.  Chartreuse is often found in nature with its complementary color red-violet, as seen in the coleus plant in this quilt.

I printed my coleus photo onto fabric, then used colored pencil to enhance and deepen the shadows around the leaves.  I outlined the edges and veins of the leaves, and filled in the background, with free motion quilting.  The squares are fused and stitched to the quilt.

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3 Responses to Quilting Daily

  1. Jessica says:

    Gorgeous! Congratulations on the forthcoming publication!

  2. Holly says:

    I love chartreuse as well! I love the combination of chartreuse and purple in this piece. Looking forward to seeing this in Quilting Arts!

  3. what a great piece!

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